The Soulful Life Community

The community you have been waiting for…

The doors are currently closed for the likeminded community as we spend 7 months diving deeply into each chakra. I have created this membership to help you find a deep sense of connection to who you truly are not the stories you’ve been telling yourself. A connection to what you truly want and desire in life, the energy and motivation to make changes and take action to create a life you truly love. To make connections with others who make you feel seen, heard and understood. And a sense of community and belonging, acceptance. Understanding how to harness the inner power and wisdom to make day to day decisions that are in alignment with your truth and what feels right for you. Please review the below and if this is what your soul has been needing, be sure it hit join the waitlist below.

What will I get from the membership?

  • 2 - 1 hour calls per month

  • a monthly workbook focused on the monthly chakra focus

  • a private instagram community for support

  • a personalized audio message to each member

When do we start?

  • Late Spring of 2024

How long does the membership last?

  • 7 Months

What is the investment?

  • Monthly 32 EURO

  • If pay in full, 224 EURO you will receive a 30 minute 1:1 session with Georgina as a bonus!

What can I do so I am notified when doors open?